5,934 research outputs found

    Influence of sociodemographic factors and labor factors in appearance of burnout in women

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    La presente investigación pretende estudiar el síndrome de estar quemado, consecuencia principal del estrés, en una muestra de mujeres trabajadoras. Caracterizado por causar una baja eficacia profesional, un alto cansancio emocional y una alta despersonalización; este estudio analiza su relación con factores sociodemográficos y factores laborales como el apoyo organizacional percibido o la satisfacción laboral. Con el objetivo de conocer la influencia de determinadas variables sociodemográficas y laborales en la aparición del síndrome de burnout en mujeres, se tomó una muestra de 31 sujetos cuya edad media era de 38.87 años (DT = 6,9), empleadas de Grupo Eulen de Andalucía occidental. Se les administraron las siguientes pruebas: el Inventario General de Burnout de Maslach, el Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S10/12, el Cuestionario de Apoyo Organizacional Percibido del SPOS y un cuestionario sobre datos sociodemográficos. Los resultados muestran relaciones significativas con el nivel de estudios alcanzados y la satisfacción laboral. Se concluye que el nivel de estudios actúa como variable protectora del burnout, mediante una relación inversa, y la satisfacción laboral como variable predisponente del burnout.The present research aims to study the syndrome of Burnout, the main consequence of stress, in a simple of working women. Characterized by showing low profesional efficacy, high emotional exhaustion and high depersonalization; this study analyzes their relationship with sociodemographic factors and labor factors such as perceived organizational support or occupational satisfaction. In order to know how they affect certain sodiodemographic and labor variables in the occurrence of burnout syndrome in women, a sample of 31 subjects was taken with a mean age of 38.87 years (SD = 6.9), employed by Gupo Eulen of Andalusia. The following tests were administered: Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey, Occupational Satisfaction Inventory S10/12, Survey of Perceived Organizational Support and a questionnaire about sociodemomgraphic data. The resuts show significant relationships with the level of studies achieved and occupational satisfaction. It is concluded that the level of studies acts as a protective variable of burnout and occupational satisfaction as a predisposing variable of burnout.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Psicologí

    O vortex de programas online na formação de professores na Colômbia

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    The replacement of direct human interaction by the computer connected to the internet is one of the most radical reforms in the history of education. In the first part, we show chronologically how–unlike correspondence, radio and television–the internet is the only technology that has sought to replace human interaction in teacher education training in Colombia. By consulting databases, we describe the institutionalization of online programs in terms of a maelstrom with problems and tensions that occur while growing exponentially to represent 18.3% and 33.8% of the offer in higher education and educational sciences in Colombia. In a second part, we compared the experience of 1,206 teachers who study postgraduate teacher training programs in Bogotá in both online and face-to-face modes through a student survey and a writing test. The results indicate lower weighted performances in the theoretical content and work volume among those who study their programs in the online modality, as well as a lower but statistically non-significant mean in teachers enrolled in online programs. The history and problems encountered in the importation of curricular models entirely based on the internet warrants being studied empirically in the teacher training programs to determine their educational effects.El reemplazo de la interacción humana directa por el computador conectado al internet constituye una de las reformas más radicales en la historia de la universidad. En una primera parte, mostramos cronológicamente cómo–a diferencia de la correspondencia, la radio, y la televisión–el internet ha sido la única tecnología que ha pretendido reemplazar la interacción humana en la formación educación docente en Colombia. Mediante consulta de bases de datos describimos la institucionalización de programas virtuales en términos de una vorágine con problemas y tensiones que ocurren mientras crecen exponencialmente para representar 18,3% y 33,8% de la oferta en educación superior y en ciencias de la educación en Colombia. En una segunda parte, comparamos la experiencia de 1.206 profesores que estudian programas de formación posgradual docente en Bogotá tanto en modalidad online y presencial mediante una encuesta estudiantil y una prueba de escritura. Los resultados indican desempeños ponderados más bajos en el contenido teórico y volumen de trabajo y un puntaje promedio más bajo, pero no estadísticamente significativo de habilidades de escritura académica en los profesores que cursan sus programas en modalidad online. La historia y los problemas encontrados en la importación de modelos curriculares enteramente basados en internet merece estudiarse empíricamente en los programas de formación docente para determinar sus efectos educativos.A substituição da interação humana direta pelo computador conectado à Internet é uma das reformas mais radicais da história da universidade. Na primeira parte, cronologicamente vamos mostrar como – ao contrário de correspondência, rádio e televisão – a internet tem sido a única tecnologia que tentou substituir a interação humana na formação de professores na Colômbia. Ao consultar bancos de dados descrever a institucionalização de programas virtuais em termos de um turbilhão de problemas e tensões que ocorrem à medida que crescem exponencialmente a representar 18,3% e 33,8% da oferta na educação educação e ciência superior na Colômbia. Numa segunda parte, comparamos a experiência de 1.206 professores que estudam o ensino programas de treinamento de pós-graduação em Bogotá tanto online como modalidade através de uma pesquisa de estudante e um teste escrito. Os resultados indicam menor desempenho ponderada no conteúdo teórico e carga de trabalho e uma pontuação média mais baixa, mas acadêmicos não estatisticamente significativas habilidades de escrita em professores que freqüentam seus programas no modo online. A história e os problemas encontrados na importação de modelos curriculares inteiramente baseados na Internet merecem ser estudados empiricamente nos programas de formação de professores para determinar seus efeitos educacionais

    Emerging Decolonialized Research Collaboration: The Max Planck Society and the Leibniz Association in Latin America

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    Analyzing the number of publications and proportion of corresponding authors of Latin American scholars and scholars from the German Max Planck Society (MPS) and the Leibniz Association (LA; 1954–2018), this article asks if North–South partnerships continue to represent power imbalances. Our bibliometric analysis indicates that (a) in comparison with the LA, the MPS’s scientists published more articles with Latin American countries, led by Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Mexico; (b) researchers from the MPS and the LA frequently took the role of corresponding author; (c) researchers from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Mexico primarily controlled their region’s productivity, but (d) Brazil built its own multinational research networks; and (e) countries with less productivity, such as Colombia and Uruguay, are on peripheries of research networks. Our findings indicate that the decolonial perspective needs further development to identify multipolar relationships of dominance and collaboration have developed out of a dichotomy world of North–South relations

    “Get Two Degrees for the Price of One”:Career Orientations and Choices of Double-Degree Students

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    23 páginasDouble degrees have been identified in universities around the globe. The Colombian double degree is a local hybrid of the American double major and the local profession-enabling pregrado that universities, particularly elite private ones, marketize in a context of mass higher education, devaluation of first university degrees and a weak economy ensuing from social conflict. Through a narrative approach, we found that students learn to pursue two degrees to maximize their investment in education, seek future job security, reduce their angst about survival given the low value of university credentials, and gain recognition from peers and family members. Choosing two degrees also maximizes their opportunities for preparing themselves to serve others, allows them to pursue intellectual development, and to satisfy their curiosity. The main trend found is that of students led by a consumerist orientation privileged over an educational rationale. We argue that the superimposition of consumerist orientations over self-cultivation motives may occur in the context of implementation of new programs such as double degrees, implemented by universities under a market logic

    Interactions of human galectins with Trypanosoma cruzi: binding profile correlate with genetic clustering of lineages

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Glycobiology following peer review. The version of record Pineda, M.A. et al. Interactions of human galectins with Trypanosoma cruzi: binding profile correlate with genetic clustering of lineages. Glycobiology 25.2 (2015): 197-210 is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/glycob/cwu103We report here the specific interaction between several members of the human galectin family with the three developmental stages of several genetic lineages of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. We provide data of specific and differential binding of human galectins-1, 3, 4, 7 and 8 to 14 strains of T. cruzi that belong to the six genetic lineages representing the genetic diversity of the parasite. It is shown that galectins preferentially bind forms present in the host, trypomastigotes and amastigotes, compared to the non-infective epimastigote present on the intestinal tract of the vector, reflecting the changes on glycosylation that occur during the metacyclogenesis and amastigogenesis process. Also, it is evidenced that galectin binding to the parasites promotes binding to the host cells and higher infection rates. In addition evidence is provided indicating that the intracellular amastigotes may take over the cytosolic pool of some galectins when released to the extracellular medium. Finaly, by applying unweighted pair group method analysis to the galectin binding profile to either cell-derived trypomastigotes or amastigotes we show that the differential binding profile by the host galectins to the six lineages resembles the clustering based in genetic data. Therefore, the differential binding profile for the six lineages could have implications in the immunopathology of Chagas’ disease, affecting the complex network of immune responses on which galectins mediate, thus providing linkage clues to the notion that different lineages may be related to different clnical forms of the disease.This work was supported by grants from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias-Ministerio de Sanidad (FIS-PI11/00033) to PB and (FIS-PI11/0095) to MS, and grant ChagasEpiNet (European VII framework Program) to MF. The financial support Network RICET from the FIS, Ministerio de Sanidad and Fundacion Ramon Areces is acknowledge


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    The author states that in Panama there exists a deep ignorance about the intellectual work of Justo Arosemena. The author declares that our thinker knew the masterpices of many ancient and contemporary authorities living in his century. His knowledge of constitutional thought was exhaustive. It allowed him to write, besides other contributions, a constitution of the Federal State of Panama. However, they are, according to the author, some notable lacks in his juridical propositions, notwithstanding the virtues that appear inmany works of himthat still last.El autor afirma que existe en Panamá un desconocimiento profundo de los textos de Justo Arosemena. Se destaca que éste conocía la obra de múltiples pensadores antiguos y de su época. Su dominio del pensamiento constitucional era exhaustivo y aquello le permitió redactar, entre otros aportes, una constitución del Estado Federal panameño. Sin embargo, se encuentran, según el autor, algunas carencias notables en sus esquemas jurídicos, pese a que numerosos escritos suyos posean virtudes que aún perduran

    Control de NPC en un ARPG en Unity3D

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2013, Director: Oriol Pujol VilaEl objetivo de este proyecto conjunto entre dos personas era diseñar un videojuego en el entorno de Unity3D, donde cada persona se centraba en aspectos distintos del videojuego. La parte central del proyecto es conseguir un combate final decente entre el personaje principal y el jefe final

    Sistemas e informática

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    El área de investigación Desarrollo y Tecnología“es una agregación lógica de problemas osituaciones de investigación con homogeneidadinterna en lo que se refiere al conjunto deconocimientos que la Universidad en susprogramas y currículos desarrolla para crearcompetencias tecnológicas de ingeniería en lainvestigación, el desarrollo y la implantación exitosade productos y procesos originales o la mejoraapreciable de los existentes, para satisfacernecesidades y oportunidades del mercado yheterogeneidad externa, de acuerdo al modelopedagógico social del estado, el marco conceptualque sugiere Colciencias, y a la metodología con lacual el centro de investigación del programaaborde el problemas, indica los tópicos que sedesean investigar que son lo suficientementediferentes entre sí, pero que dentro de suconsistencia interna pueden generar varios temasde investigación